उत्पाद कीमत मात्रा कुल

आपका कार्ट

आपका कार्ट वर्तमान में रिक्त है.

शॉपिंग जारी रखें

Please read & then agree to our delivery terms bellow

1) Poles Patisserie requests that the recipient is available to receive the package on the day of delivery. If no one is available to accept the delivery, your order will be taking back to our premises and no re delivery would be able to be made on the same day, we might be able to re deliver your order next day with a new delivery fee of $50. Or you are welcome to come collect your order on the next day as depending on the date and the route we are uncertain what time your order will arrive back to our premises.

2) You agree that Poles Patisserie is not liable for incorrect or failed deliveries where the address provided by you is incorrect or has insufficient information (including contact information). In this instance you will lose your order without an option for a refund.

3) Our delivery window is ONLY 12pm-5pm. Poles Patisserie does not accept requests for specific times or specific time periods for delivery. Any requests by the customer for specific times or time periods are invalid and void. Poles Patisserie takes no responsibility for any orders that are unable to be delivered to businesses/ schools etc that may require delivery by a certain time, regardless of any requests made by the customer.

4) By 1130am on the delivery date you will received an SMS tracking link, sent to the mobile provided on the checkout delivery section, once you click on this link, you will be allowed to see where your delivery is going and have a better idea of the ETA for delivery.

By clicking I Agree you are accepting the above T&Cs

If you have further questions, please contact us before placing your order.

Please read & then agree to our pick up terms bellow

- ANYONE can pick up your items as long as they bring the 4 Digit order number that is given in your order confirmation sent to your email after placing the order. We WONT be able to find your items without this order number, no names or items description is allow for pickup.
- Your order will be ready on the day and the time selected previously, if you do not select a time, your order will be ready on the selected day from 12pm.
- Poles Patisserie does not take any responsibility for orders once they have left our shop, please listen carefully to our staff instructions when picking up your order.
- Remember you are picking up a cake, which is a delicate object, so carry carefully and DO NOT put your cakes on any type of carry bags.

If you have further questions, please contact us before placing your order.

If you would like to read our T&Cs in regards changes and cancelations please click here